Store aisles are full of endless products with marketing campaigns designed to make you throw their goods directly in your cart. Don’t be fooled by the shiny packaging and high price tags. Instead, browse our list below for top picks from our team of RDs.
Let’s start with the easiest section of the store – produce. Pretty much anything and everything makes our list. Experiment with seasonal fruits and veggies, try new greens or roots, and let your kids do some picking. Spend a fair share of your budget here, but be careful not to over-buy as many delicate items (berries, baby greens) have a short shelf life.

There are plenty of gems in the dairy aisle, many may be familiar staples. Our biggest tip here is to look for added sugars and saturated fat on each label. Aim for as little added sugar as possible and less than 5g saturated fat per serving. Keep in mind dairy servings can be very small (butter, half and half, sour cream) or more reasonable (yogurt, milk), so make sure you are portioning appropriately!

The freezer section boasts more than frozen pizzas and bags of veggies. We are all in for any frozen veggies, buy more and save! When shopping here, choose options that are free from sauces and salt.

So it’s been said to shop the perimeter, but true gems can be found in the aisles of the grocery store. Here you will find pantry staples, time savers, and healthy ingredients to make meal prep, planning and snacking a breeze.

At FLIK Hospitality Group we believe in great food, great service, and great people. Our wellness first approach ensures our food supports healthy and delicious choices, specially curated by our team of culinary experts and registered dietitians. At FLIK, we believe in seasonality in sourcing our ingredients and providing a customized approach to the culinary and hospitality needs of each client. Our dedication to providing quality hospitality service is unparalleled in the industry.
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